Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Animal Heads!

Barnswallow Sisters
8" x 8"
Sparrow Sisters
8" x 8"
A week or so ago I posted about my bird-head women series, which is presently waiting in the wings of my studio.  (Figuratively, of course.  If my studio really had wings I'd have enough room for my own flat file, and would no longer gaze so covetously at my studio mate's.)  

But I digress.  

These two little acrylic paintings, which I made this past December, are also part of this series.  This is probably fairly obvious, what with the bird heads and all.  
In any case, in an earlier post I mentioned the fact that I have recently discovered a billion other contemporary artists working with animal heads on human bodies.  This makes a lot of sense; so many folktales, myths, etc... contain human/animal hybrids, and also deal with themes of human/animal transformation.  It's an enormous cross-cultural motif.  My own specific source of inspiration was the Egyptian bird-head god, Horus.  But I also think a lot about the Pleiades Myth, where the handmaidens of Artemis turn into pigeons and fly into the night sky to escape Zeus' "amorous" pursuit.  And the Chinese story of the Crane Wife.  The Decemberists' album, The Crane Wife is a MUST, by the way.  Today, the fabulous Adria Arch sent me a link to an article about a whole slew of other artists using anthropomorphism in their work.  I'm liking this feeling of camaraderie.  Here's the link:

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