Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Proof of Life:)

On October 8th I spent the day at the fair.  I LOVE the fair.  And I meant to post all of these photos later that night, but things came up--like my premature water breakage and whatnot.  You can read a nice, concise version of my birth story here if you'd like. 

In any case, October and half of November have flown by virtually unrecorded on Birdwoman.  So to catch up a bit, I spent most of October visiting my brand new, shiny baby in his fancy river view suite at Mass. General.  And when I wasn't there, I was on my way there.  Or on my way home from there.  Or I was home and chained to my fancy hospital-grade breast pump.  Which, despite its fanciness, is not hands-free.  And so I spent most of October unable to type.  And I've spent the first part of November adjusting to life at home with a new baby, which has been hard.  Sleep-deprived is not a good look for me.  

And so here we are.  And here are some animal friends I met at the fair a few hours before all of the shennanigans went down:


ArtSparker said...

It's progress anyway...good to see you look in here.

Valerianna said...

Oh many blessings during adjustments. I, too, spent a tiny bit of time in an incubator near Mass General at the start of my life.... only a couple days, I wasn't early, but VERY stubborn about having been induced and not very interested in coming out, though they dragged me.

I love the crazy haired rooster! Thanks for checking in and keeping us updated.

ACrumpledWhisker said...

Hehehe I can see most of these turning into your illustrations. I love the horses - Eyes Open, Eyes Closed, Eyes Closed.
I have a feeling someone's eating a lot of grilled-cheese sandwiches! Again, many blessings and strength to you!