Friday, September 11, 2009

Progressy Progress

I recently discovered Miki Sato (lovely!) through Pikaland (also lovely!), which was also recently introduced to me by illustrator and fellow moleskine exchanger, Gaia (once again fitting with the lovely! theme). I know. It's a lovely overload. But I'm confident that you can handle it.

I've been working on this second page spread for my story, Marcus and Petunia. In this scene Petunia is showing off her dancing skills.
At first the swirls were going to be simpler like this:
But as I started delving deeper into the actual writing of the book and developing the characters, Petunia became more and more hyperactive, and a more frenzied, over-the-top swirling pattern fit her much better. Here she is, only sketched in so far, but do you see what I mean? She's a little bit crazy. Delightful, but crazy. I'm officially in L.O.V.E. with Marcus and Petunia and their little adventure.


Cat B said...

Me too!!

Unknown said...

The crazy thing is that when you started posting about this story, my good friend Suna met and fell in love with a man named Marcus...and she is crazy in love just like Petunia!! *(^.^)*

And thanks so much for the links!!! Going to get a nice hot tea and sit with some new illustrators!

Kaetlyn Wilcox said...

:) That IS crazy and so sweet!