Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Thing Went Right.

And one is more than none.

Today was a portfolio housekeeping day.  This means that I spent the entire day trying (mostly in vain) to take decent quality images of my most recent work.  Needless to say, by 3 o'clock I was ready for a glass of sauvingon blanc and a nap.  My one triumph of the day (and pardon me while I cling maniacally to this one thing) was that I got a great shot of this piece, which can be seen in all of its full, crisp, accurately-colored glory right here on Flickr:
The rest was kind of a wash.  I'm struggling with the lighting and some barrel distortion problems with my acrylic paintings on panel.  I'll have to have another go at them tomorrow.  But for now, I think I'll kick back on the couch with Lost and a Magic Hat #9.

These shadows on my studio floor remind me of a 2D design project I did in college:


Cat B said...

Maybe savignon blanc should be a staple of the studio—to be considered! I love the shadow pic and also how sharp your gorgeous painting is on Flickr.

Richard Jenkins and Dan Mazur said...

Hey some days are up some are down. That's the way that the world goes around. The painting looks gorgeous!

Danimal said...

It was great to see you at the Open Studio event...and now you have another whole follower!